Marshall B. Rosenberg, der Begründer der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation (GFK), hat seine Lebensphilosophie auch in zahlreichen Gedichten und Liedern ausgedrückt. In den 60er und 70er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts war das Singen und Musizieren (insbesondere mit der Gitarre) in den sozialen Bewegungen der USA weit verbreitet. Musikalisch beziehen sich die Marshall Rosenberg Lieder dabei auf die lange Tradition der amerikanischen Folkmusik, deren wesentliche Beiträge 1952 in der Sammlung “Anthology of American Folk Music” (Folkways Records) veröffentlicht worden sind. Rosenberg hatte also ganz ähnliche Vorbilder wie Woody Guthrie, Arlo Guthrie, Bob Dylan oder Joan Baez. In seinen Texten widmen sich die Marshall Rosenberg Lieder den Kernthemen der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation: mitfühlendem Zusammenleben, ehrlichem und authentischen Auftreten und dem empathischen Umgang mit uns selbst. In diesem Blog finden Sie die Gesamtliste der von Marshall Rosenberg geschriebenen und veröffentlichten Lieder. Außerdem finden Sie hier eine Liste seiner LPs, Musikkassetten und CDs mit Originalcover. Für ergänzende Hinweise von Lesern bin ich dankbar!
Marshall Rosenberg Lieder – alphabetische Gesamtliste
Ain’t it a shame All american stud Big Boys Do you dream Gift of empathy Got me a life time pass Grandma and Jesus Help a little hope appear I may think differently in the morning light I see joy shining in your eyes It’s been a lovely day I want to live compassionately I wish I could remember I wish our love hat stayed Level with the people, Mr. President Life’s sweet flow Losing at a money-making-game My own final authority Nuclear weather Ode to John Wayne Please don’t mix the two Reach out for life Song for Gloria Song from Brett Talkin’ sink or shrink blues The capitalistic, nobody gives a damn about the other guy blues The ignorance that kills The millenium song The sick of dependency blues Too many missile blues Upwardly mobile We’ve got magic to give each other Where the hell does the energy come? Who do I want to do right now? You don’t count
From Now On
LP 1976, Marshall Rosenberg (lead vocals, guitar), Steve Mote (vocals, guitar, banjo, jews harp, jaw), Bob Abrams (banjo, fiddle, jug, guitar, harmonica), Michael Cole (drums), Ed Roberts (bass), Al Chapelle (narration), produced by Community Psychological Consultants (St. Louis, Missouri)
- Life’s sweet flow
- You don’t count
- Please don’t mix the two
- Ode to John Wayne
- Who do I want to do right now?
- The sick of dependency but not yet autonomus blues
- Gift of empathy
- I may think differently in the morning light
- Song for Gloria
- Got me a life time pass
- The capitalistic, nobody gives a damn about the other guy blues
- We’ve got magic to give each other
Where the hell does the energy come?
LP 1977, Marshall Rosenberg (narration), Daryl Licked (arrangements, guitar, vocals, spoons), Jerry Kerlin (recorder), Bill Stickney (trombone), John Higgins (dobro), Slim Chance (bass guitar, acoustic guitar), Maia Montaigne (violin), Crippled Willy (guitar), produced by Community Psychological Consultants (St. Louis, Missouri)
- Where the hell does the energy come?
- Big Boys
- My own final authority
- Losing at a money-making-game
- Song from Brett
- All american stud
- Upwardly mobile
- I wish our love hat stayed
- Talkin’ sink or shrink blues
- Level with the people, Mr. President
- Too many missile blues
- Nuclear weather
Marshall’s Music 1
Kassette 1977, produced by The Center for Nonviolent Communication (Sherman, Texas)
- Talkin’ sink or shrink blues
- Nuclear weather
- I wish our love hat stayed
- Upwardly mobile
- Losing at a money-making-game
- All american stud
- You don’t count
- Ode to John Wayne
- The sick of dependency but not yet autonomus blues
- Song for Gloria
- Song from Brett
- Too many missile blues
Live Compassionately
CD 2002, performed by Marshall Rosenberg, verlegt von The Center for Nonviolent Communication (La Crescenta, California) und ExtraordinaryMusic (Nicasio, California)
- I want to live compassionately
- Reach out for life
- The millenium song
- The ignorance that kills
- Grandma and Jesus
- Help a little hope appear
- Ain’t it a shame
- Losing at a money-making-game
- Ode to John Wayne
- The sick of dependency blues
- Sink or shrink blues
- Too many missile blues
- Where does the energy come
- I wish I could remember
- Do you dream
- I see joy shining in your eyes
- It’s been a lovely day
- See me beautiful
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